The FlowStack jstool is a script which not only tracks web site visitors, but also provides methods for custom tracking, checking against segments and content rendering.
Insert the FlowStack jstool.js script
(function(f, l, o, w, s, t, a, c, k) {
f['FS_CORE_NAME'] = w; f['FS_CORE_DOMAIN'] = s; f['FS_QUEUE'] = [];
f['fs'] = function(){f['FS_QUEUE'].push(arguments);}
a = l.createElement(o);
c = l.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];
a.async = 1;
a.src = document.location.protocol + '//' + s + '/' + t;
c.parentNode.insertBefore(a, c);
})(window, document, 'script', 'fs', '', 'jstool.js')
Initialize the jstool object and create page view event.
The fs object provides various methods
//Init the tracker
//Set a variable
//Get a variable
//Track a pageview
if [page] is not set window.location.href is used
if [title] is not set window.title is used
//Add a data tag (used by plugins to add fs-data attributes)
//Internal method to run a single tag
//internal method to run all tags
Loading the segment module to the jstool provides you with method to check if visitor belongs to specific segment(s)
<script src=""></script>
//Checks if visitor is in one or more segments
<segmentId>: segment guid or an array of segments
funtion: calls callback method with result
string: hides/shows dom element where id="<callback>"
domElement: hides/shows the dom element
//Checks if visitor is in one or more segments and hides/displays element
<segmentId>: segment guid or array of segment guids
Loading the content module to the jstool provides you with methods render content with visitors corresponding profile data without retrieving profile
<script src=""></script>
//Renders content
<contentId>: The content guid from flowstack to render
function: calls the function with the result
object: sets the objects innerHTML property to result html
string: sets the object with the id <callback> to the result html
Loading the content module to the jstool provides you with methods render content with visitors corresponding profile data without retrieving profile
<script src=""></script>
//Renders content
<contentId>: The content guid from flowstack to render
function: calls the function with the result
object: sets the objects innerHTML property to result html
string: sets the object with the id <callback> to the result html
Loading the segment module to the jstool provides you with methods to alter or see permissions
<script src=""></script>
//Checks if a visitor has a permission
<permissionId>: the flowstack permission guid
<callback>: the callback to call with the result
//Links a checkbox to a permission
<permissionId>: the flowstack permission guid
<string>: uses the element with the given id
<object>: uses the object given
//links the given checkbox directly to the permission